I’ve worked with hundreds of people over the last few years, taking just an idea or a thought that this is something they might like to do and turning it into a career (or something to do part time). I take great pride in my work and can assure you I work ethically and honestly.

My business is fully inclusive. I can easily include any neurodivergent accommodations and is LGBTQIA+ friendly.

Check out below to see a small selection of my success stories. Could this be you?

  • Thembi VoiceOver


    A wonderful nothern and real sounding voice. I’ve been coaching Thembi for a few months and here she is recording her new commercial reel. She will do GREAT things.

  • Rebecca voice reel


    Rebecca found me on Linkedin. She’d worked in sales and had taken a few years out to raise her family. Now it was time to get performing again. I coached her, recorded her reels and she booked 5 Voiceoover jobs in her first month!

  • Michael Ashtiany reels


    Michael is a popular and well regarded VO but needed fresh new voiceover reels to reflect his ever progressing talent. Here he is recording his new audio drama reel with me.

  • Conor VoiceOver coach


    Conor found me on instagram. He really wanted to move his VO career to the next level. With a little coaching and some fresh new reels he is already booking professional work and has just finished recording his first audio book.

  • Voiceover coach


    Rach is a well know radio presenter but wanted to explore the possibility of doing VO work. She went through my coaching programme, recoded 2 reels and she’s already booking VO work!

  • VoiceOver coaching


    Taru is a TV and Bollywood actress. She already had a voicereel but didn’t like it and felt the previous producer didn’t really capture the essence of her voice and talent. I worked to really understand her voice and craft the perfect reel. She is thrilled with the results.

  • VoiceOver training


    Joanna is a CBeebies presenter who came to me for a couple of VO coaching sessions and her first VoiceOver reel and…. she’s just been taken on by a top London VO agent!

  • Voiceover masterclass


    You are NEVER too old to get started in VO work. Michael is semi retired but had always wanted to explore VO work. He has a wonderfully warm and caring voice, perfect for commercials. He completed my coaching programme, recorded hs reels in our studio and is now voicing ‘on the side’.